Our financial advice process- part 2: preparing your financial plan

This blog is part 2 of a multi-part series on the process of getting financial advice from Bounce Financial. If you haven’t already, check out part 1 here.
This time, we will talk about what happens after you have your initial meeting and you want to go ahead with getting financial advice.
It wouldn’t be finance if there weren’t forms to complete! In order for us to make enquiries on your behalf with your superannuation funds, insurance providers and anyone else that may be relevant, we need to get your written authority to do so. We will also ask you to sign our ‘engagement agreement’ which simply outlines that we are going to provide you with advice for a fee.
Once you’ve signed the forms, we will call your super funds and insurance providers and find out what types of super and insurance you have and the pros and cons of these products.
Cost of Living Survey
We will also send you through another quick survey to complete which will ask you some key questions about your lifestyle. We know coming up with a budget is boring, so what we do is simply ask you some key questions about your life so that we can do the hard work for you. An example question is that we will ask whether you have 1 or 2 cars. This helps us to understand what it costs to live your life.
Preparing the Advice
Once we have gathered all this information and deeply understand your goals, we begin the process of preparing the financial plan. This usually takes 2-3 weeks from the moment you give us the go ahead to delivery of the advice.
We will contact you again once we are close to completing the advice and will line up a meeting to run through it with you and to come up with a plan. Next time, we will discuss this advice meeting and what happens during it.
This post is from our resident Financial Planner Ben Brett, check out his details in the About Us section.
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Posted in: Ben Brett, Financial Planning