Money interview with Wendy Russell

Welcome back to our brand spanking new blog series where I get to talk to awesome people doing pretty amazing things about their personal view on Money. This week I am happy to introduce you to Wendy Russell, property buyers agent extraordinaire!
Typically Financial Planning and Property go hand in hand, so I thought it was also a good opportunity to give you an overview of what a buyers agent actually does. I’m a huge advocate for these guys, especially if you are buying property specifically for investment purposes.
Anyway, enough from me, here is the chat I had with Wendy recently…..
1) What is Deals In Heals/Wendy Russell all about?
I am a local and independent Brisbane Buyer’s Agent who works at a very individual level with clients, helping them source the right properties and build their investment portfolios strategically.
2) What are your backgrounds before starting this business?
I have been in real estate for 18 years, starting out as a junior receptionist for a local real estate agency in Redcliffe when I was just 16. Property has always been my passion and I have worked in various real estate roles before opening my own office in 2004. Some ten years later, I am now a solo operating buyer’s agent.
3) What is your relationship like with money?
I have been fortunate to make some very good investment decisions when I was in my early twenties, so building wealth quite young came quickly. In saying that, I am big believer in balance when it comes to money. I feel it is wise to invest a certain percentage of the money you earn, but at the same time, you also need to live in the here and now. I enjoy what I would consider a fairly affluent lifestyle, meaning I do spend on luxury items like clothes, shoes and handbags, as well nice holidays but at the same time I believe it is important to be investing and setting aside that “rainy day” stash.
4) What does wealth mean to you?
To me, wealth is a mix of financial abundance as well freedom to live the life you want. Whether this be 5 star holidays or camping with your family, wealth is being in a position to do what you want, when you want, and having the financial backing to make it all happen. I guess money and freedom come had in hand to me in some ways.
5) What is your personal, number one money tip and/or what is your money philosophy?
Always, always invest a certain portion of what you earn.
6) What does a perfect weekend look like to you?
I would have to say either spending time with my girlfriends on the coast or in the hinterland, or hanging out with my man and my pugs at home just relaxing. My weeks can be pretty full on so an ideal weekend is really chilling out with the people I love.
7) What are you working on at the moment?
I’m pretty busy with clients at the moment. In fact, I’m having one of my biggest months ever which is great. But at the same time, I’m working on my blog and looking to spend more time writing in the future. Oh yeah, I’m also trying to put together a JV partnership deal with some friends of mine. Like I said, always be looking for opportunities to invest where you can.
Want to read Wendy’s blogs or check her out online?
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